In order to get the best results from a session for hair removal using lasers, there are some procedures that should be followed. The sessions can be expensive, but if you plan ahead, you will be more likely to get the most benefit for each sessions. Here are a few of the most obvious tips on preparing for laser hair removal.
For those who are trying hair removal by laser sessions for the first time, it is best the have a complementary consultation before schedule an appointment. This is easy and convenient if you live close to the location of the sessions. If you are consulting online, you may want to arrange for your first appointment online. If this is the case, there are some tips that should be considered before your go in for your first session.
There should be no plucking, waxing, threading or use of depilatory creams prior to the first treatment. Avoid these remedies for at lease two weeks and four weeks is better. When you use alternative treatments, the hair shaft is pulled out and the laser cannot reach the follicle in order to destroy it. This makes the treatment less effective. The laser does address hairs under the skin and can destroy them.
There is a range of effectiveness for laser hair removal. The best results are achieved with dark hair that is relatively thick. Hairs that are white or silver will not be affected by laser treatments. If there is doubt about the effectiveness, it is best to arrange for a test spot.
Plan ahead to avoid coming to your treatment session with a sunburn. It’s best to avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks before the session. Sunburned skin can’t be treated. Use extra sunscreen to avoid burning and a rash guard is also advisable. The laser works best where there is high contrast between the hair color and the skin color. So, untanned skin and dark hair will show the best results.
Self-tanners should not be used for two weeks prior to treatment. The same reasons apply. The laser looks for pigmented skin, so that artificial tanner absorbs some of the laser energy, rather than being effective against the hair follicle. Your skin can become blistered in this scenario.
Shaving the areas which will be treated one day prior to the treatment allows the skin to be over any irritation that typically comes after shaving. This is especially true for large areas of skin. If there are only a few hairs, pre-shaving is not required. Topical anesthetic cream is applied prior to the session.
Other safety considerations apply to those who are pregnant. No treatments should be performed on pregnant women. For those who are subject to fever blisters, it is best to take medications on the day before the session. This will avoid the formation of fever blisters as the body’s response to the heat of the laser. Laser hair removal is an easy process with proper advance preparation for the treatment.
For a consultation before booking your laser hair removal session, come down to our Kelowna clinic located at 765 Rose Ave, Kelowna BC, V1Y 5K1 or you can call us at 250-861-1141. We provide industry leading laser hair removal for clients in Kelowna and surrounding areas such as Okanagan, Revelstoke, Salmon Arms and Vernon. So before the summer time hits and you are forced into your bathing suit again, be sure to come visit us first, to ensure your skin is ready for the summer.